Meet the Run Sandymoor Run Leaders! All our run leaders are UKA affilliated members, UKA Leadership In Running Fitness certified and first aid trained.

John “Reggie” Myers

Run Sandymoor Cross Country Co-ordinator

My name is John Myers. Born in Liverpool, I have been a resident of sunny Runcorn for over 35 years. I live in Sandymoor and have been an RS member since 2019. My interests include running (obviously), cycling, football (up the Reds!), ice hockey and travelling.

I enjoy all manner of running events (road, trail, XC, fell, multi terrain), I am always keen to try something new. I particularly enjoy the team events and the camaraderie it generates. It is the whole point of being in a running club IMHO. I also love Parkrun. I love everything it stands for and represents.

I am looking forward to the upcoming XC season and hopefully building on the previous impressive team performance

Louisa Mogg

Run Sandymoor Run Leader

Hey, I’m Louisa and I’m a run leader for Run Sandymoor. I originally started running to shift some baby weight and fast forward to 7 years later, I’ve ran 3 ultra marathons, qualified for a good for age for London Marathon, make a yearly visit to Tough Mudder (OCR) and finished first lady many times at my local Parkrun.

In my spare (I say spare, but there’s no such thing) time, I teach 3-6 year olds kickboxing as well as train in martial arts twice a week. I am a working mum who caters to my two boys’ hobbies too, and aside from all that I have two beautiful dogs who get my undivided love and attention. If you have come across this page with the curiosity to take up running, then I say go for it.

Whatever your reason to start will be the best thing you do and trust me, the reason to continue will change along the way. You’ll meet some amazing people, find clarity in your darkest days and notice beauty that you’ve never seen before. So, welcome to Run Sandymoor. A club were even if you run solo, you’re never alone ?

Personal Bests

  • 5K 21:47
  • 10K 45:25
  • Half 1:44
  • Marathon 03:43
  • Sand Stone 33.1 mile 06:51:00
  • Ring of Fire 35.7 mile 07:37:00
  • Warrington Way 40 mile 07:38:00

Tony Norton

Run Sandymoor Run Leader

My name is Tony Norton. I’ve been a Run leader now for over 3 years. I got in to running the day after my sister lost her battle to Diabetes. I went straight into Couch 2 10k. That’s where my love from running started. I then Progressed straight to the London marathon, while fundraising for Diabetes and becoming a fundraising champion & Team leader for the North West.

I love footy, not loving man utd much at the moment though.. but gave that up to concentrate on running. I then moved on to Triathlons they’re amazing, and wanting more went to complete all triathlon distances on route to my Ironman challenge & not forgetting an ultra.

All above is why I become a run leader to try & help others get in to running and choosing a healthy lifestyle and growing Dash4Diabetes.

Personal Bests

  • 5k 23.38
  • 10k 48.17
  • Half marathon ✔️
  • Marathon ✔️
  • Ultra ✔️
  • 70.3 Ironman ✔️
  • Ironman ✔️

Mike Sherwin

Run Leader / Club Weekly Report Writer

I was born in Stoke-on-Trent, before moving away to Newbury in my twenties for career purposes, but then moved to Sandymoor in January 2005 – again for work related reasons and have never looked back since.

I began running when I gained promotion as a semi-professional football referee and was required to pass a track fitness test each year. I was a referee for 19 seasons, but hung up my boots a few years ago now, where I then began to concentrate on progressing my running. I then joined Run Sandymoor and have since met some wonderful people within this fabulous club of ours. I enjoy watching club members push and challenge themselves and make progress in their running journeys and am pleased when they are rewarded for their efforts. Additionally, I continue to promote The Wirral Seaside 5K series each year, where first timers often gain themselves a 5K personal best. There are always exceptions when the wind is unusually blowing in the wrong direction! I have finished runner-up in my age category in 2019, 2020 and 2021.

You will regularly see me either running or volunteering at a parkrun on most Saturday mornings. I have volunteered many times and have managed to volunteer at least once in every volunteering role that parkrun offers. I equally would like to add to the number of away parkrun events that I have ran at, especially when we have so many parkruns within our local area. The other main non-running thing that I have done for the past seven years is to be a school governor at a local primary school. I currently hold the position of vice chair, where I am well known for my data analysis skills ?.

I have two daughters that keep me busy and we also have a Jack Russell that keeps me on my toes.

Personal Bests

  • Phoenix parkrun: 19:53 (Home parkrun 2023), but the only time I finished in first position was in 2017
  • Parkrun 18:28 (Alexander Park 2023)
  • 5K: 18:25 (Wirral Seaside 2023)
  • 4 mile: 24:47 (Knowsley Fab Four 2013)
  • 5 mile: 32:44 (Hale Village 2022)
  • 10K: 39:07 (Birchwood 2023)
  • Half marathon: 01:28:33 (Cheshire Half Marathon 2023)
  • Marathon: 03:25:20 (Manchester 2022)
  • Ultramarathon Trail 40m: 06:39:14 (Warrington Way 2019)

Gaz Tootle

Run Sandymoor Run Leader

I’m Gaz Tootle, I’m a run leader at RS.

I used to dabble with a few miles running to keep fit, but I couldn’t run more than 3 miles without feeling like my head and chest was going to explode. I always thought running with a club would be scary, but my running changed for the better when I joined RS, with support, encouragement and knowledge being shared, everyone is so friendly.

I started running with RS in June 2017, I ran my first half marathon in September 2017 and my first ultra marathon in May 2018.

I’ve always enjoyed watching people improve and push themselves to the next level.

Trail and endurance running are my go to passion. I love the hills and scenery, exploring parts of country you wouldn’t typically cover in a normal race, I suppose I love the challenge of long distance.

However, I do enjoy Parkrun and our annual RS local event, as it’s always great to be around people who enjoy the same sport.

Interests : My family comes first, Running, Cycling, generally keeping fit and Golf if I ever get time, again.

Personal Bests

  • Marathons : London and lots of Trail Marathons inc Snowdon Marathon x2
  • A few Ultra Marathons at varied distances: 33 miles Sandstone Trail
  • 40 miles Warrington Way
  • 50 miles, quickest M2L 7h 55mins
  • 57 miles Scotland Ultra GB Ultras Grand Slam 2021.
  • Ring of Fire 135 miles a couple of times

Sonia Mcwhan

Run Sandymoor Run Leader

My name is Sonia McWhan, I am an environmental scientist, married and from Widnes I got in to running later in life than most, I was 46 and went for a walk up Moel Famau and felt sick, I was so out of shape. I really needed to make some lifestyle changes…

When I started running I couldn’t run 200 meters, I was very, very unfit. I moved to Sandymoor and saw all the RS yellow tops with happy people in them running around the estate and knew had to join in. I trained myself to 5k over the the next three months and then joined a muster run . I loved it ! It’s so much easier with friends I have never looked back.

When I am not running ( which isn’t often) I love real ales, reading, and coastal walks around the UK I became a run leader as I love the social aspect of club runs and helping people hit their personal goals. I have made some life long friends and reconnected with old ones. Its the best decision I have made for ages. There are so many benefits both mentally and physically you get from joinng our friendly inclusive club I can’t recommend it enough.

Personal Bests

  • 5k 23.58
  • 10k 51.07
  • 10 miles 1:26:10
  • Half marathon 1:54:54
  • Marathon 4:13:59
  • Ultras x 2 40 mile races completed

Rachel Williamson

Run Sandymoor Run Leader

Hi, I’m Rach and I’ve been running with Run Sandymoor since 2016 when I couldn’t manage to run for very long at all, but the club supported and encouraged me and helped my running improve. This is why I wanted to give something back and so became a Run Leader to help others to improve both their confidence and their running.

Aside from running I like crafting, walking (especially in the Lake District), Everton FC, reading and attending the RS social events (which includes the fun bus back from official runs). I’m also a proud geek and enjoy both science fiction and technology. Hope to see you on a run soon.

Mike Scowcroft

Run Sandymoor Run Leader

  • My name is Michael Scowcroft. I grew up in Runcorn and live in the Old Town. I have lived in
    Runcorn most of my life, apart from a few years in Nottingham and Sheffield. I have been
    running on and off for over 20 years and joined my first running club in Sheffield (Steel City
    Striders). This proved to be a great way to make new friends and helped me to find new
    places around the city.
    I have been a member of Run Sandymoor since 2016, and a Run Leader since 2019.
    Outside of running, you can occasionally find me watching non-league football, as I am a
    Trust Member at Runcorn Linnets. Since joining RS, I have completed many achievements
    that I didn’t think I would ever do, including ultra marathons and winter fell races in
    conditions that is probably best described as ‘challenging’.

    What I enjoy most about being in Run Sandymoor is meeting new people and seeing how
    they progress on their running journey. The club is very inclusive and open to everyone, with
    social events to enjoy as well. If you are just starting out on the Couch to 5k program, or if

    you are putting on your cross-country spikes to race through some mud, you will be welcome
    here at Run Sandymoor.

Louise Mcadam

Run Sandymoor Run Leader

Hi there, I’m Louise! I first started running with Run Sandymoor in June 2016 when it had been established a few months. My primary reason for joining was to be ‘fit in my 50’s’ which it certainly did and I’ve never looked back! I’ve always loved participating in sport; swimming, squash, tennis, cycling and anything else that I feel like having a go at!

Being part of a running club has enabled me to improve and more importantly maintain my fitness to a good standard which is something I’m very proud of.

In 2017 I was privileged to lead a Couch to 5k 9-week course for RS. I love being able to encourage and motivate people whatever their running journey.

My best running year to date was 2019 where I entered my first (and probably only!) marathon; completed the Tour of Merseyside which consists of running six races over 7 days totalling 52 miles; The Great North Run the largest half marathon in the world; the Disneyland Paris 36k Challenge – 5k, 10k and 21k races over 3 consecutive days and ending with 2 legs (21 miles) of the Warrington Way which is a multi-terrain event. Looking back now I know I couldn’t have got through all of that without the support, guidance and friendship of the truly lovely people in RS. I’ve met some fab people and I’ve made some lifelong friends.

I am also on the Run Sandymoor Committee and undertake the roles of Membership Secretary and Welfare Officer.

If you are feeling unsure about coming along and being part of our club, don’t be as you will be given a warm welcome.

I have three grown up sons, three grandsons and three grand puppies – all of which I absolutely adore and all of which keep me very busy!

My hobbies include travelling, eating out, reading, visiting Anglesey and spending quality time with family and friends.

I officially retired after 38 years in the NHS in October 2019, but I have never been busier and have been working on and off ever since!

Personal Bests

  • 5k – 26.01
  • 10k – 55.56
  • Half marathon – 2.03
  • Marathon – 5.10

Les Mcadam

Run Sandymoor Run Leader

My name is Les McAdam and as well as being a Run Leader I am also a member of the Run Sandymoor committee and hold the position of Treasurer and Vice-Chair. I first started running in the mid 1980’s when I was in my early 30s. In those days I used to run totally on my own, had no plan, never warmed up, stretched or cooled down (which I always do now) and basically used to just run on a wing and a prayer.

To challenge myself I started entering some races, usually 10Ks and half marathons as I enjoyed the buzz and challenge of running with and against other people, and it was much more fun than running on my own. There was no such thing as parkrun in those days and none of the events were chip timed so the time you got was basically the time you crossed the finish line no matter where you started.

I decided to run the Mersey Marathon in 1985 to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis which my Mum had sadly passed away from in 1982 aged just 58. Again I had no plan but managed to run 6 half marathons and a number of 10Ks in preparation. I had never ran more than 13.1 miles prior to running the marathon and my aim was to complete it in under 4 hours which I’m pleased to say I achieved.

In the late 1980s early 1990s I stopped running regularly for whatever reason although I used to play 5-a-side twice a week well into my 40s and also golf and squash when I got the chance. Over the years I dipped in and out of running occasionally but never ran regularly again until January 2016 when a work colleague told me they had done Warrington parkrun the previous weekend. I had no idea what it was until then so Louise and I went along the following Saturday and were hooked. Nearly 170 parkruns later it is now a ‘must’ every Saturday morning. Our son then talked us into doing Mad Dog 10K about 4 weeks later and a few months later, in June 2016, we discovered Run Sandymoor and the rest as they say is history.

From a personal point of view I retired in March 2017 after 45 years in the NHS. We also have 3 lovely sons and 2 gorgeous grandsons with another one due in June 2022 so they keep us going. My hobbies include travelling, eating out, going to the theatre, playing golf and spending time at our static caravan in Anglesey. I am also a long suffering Everton season ticket holder but as I’ve supported them for over 60 years I’m not going to change now.   

Being a member of a running club not only gives you the opportunity to run regularly with other runners of a similar standard but also to make lifelong friends. If you’re thinking of coming along we would love to see you and you will be made very welcome.

Personal Bests

  • 5K (i.e. parkrun) – 24:49
  • 10K – 42mins (1985) and 52:13 (2018)
  • Half Marathon – 1:30:12 (1985) and 2:06:20 (2018)
  • Marathon – 3:51:37 (1985)

Jannette Evans

Run Sandymoor Run Leader

I am proud to say I am one of the founding members of this great club ‘Run Sandymoor’ which was formed in 2016.

My love of running started back in 2013 when I completed the C25K and then started to do regular parkruns. I gained my Leadership in Running Fitness (LiRF) qualification in 2018. I love being a run Leader as it keeps me motivated whilst motivating others to get out and enjoy running as part of a fun and supportive group. I have led and supported Run Sandymoor’s C25K programmes which I have found really rewarding.  If you are feeling unsure about coming along and being part of our club, don’t be as you will be given a very warm welcome. We cater for all abilities from beginners to Ultra runners.  Our mantra is that ‘Nobody gets left behind’.

My most enjoyable and rewarding year of running was 2018 where I gained many of my personal bests. However, since then, I have been plagued with minor niggly injuries so mix my running with regular volunteering at Parkrun. Most Saturday mornings you will find me volunteering at Phoenix Parkrun where I am one of the team of Run Directors.  

My hobbies outside of running are travelling, socialising and spending time with family and friends. I also love football and am lifelong (long suffering) Evertonian and season ticket holder.

Personal Bests

  • 5k – 27.53
  • 5 Miles – 48.48
  • 10k – 59.13
  • Half marathon – 2.17

Chris Jones

Run Sandymoor Run Leader and Comittee Member

Hi, I’m Chris and I am a Comittee Member as well as a Run Leader within the running club. I have been a member of Run Sandymoor since February 2017.

I started running 5 and 10K group sessions, which progressed to running in club colours at one of the local events. Since then, I have represented the club at many events, ranging from 5-10k road races, road and trail half marathons, marathons and ultra marathons.

When the club became UK Athletics Afilliated, I volunteered my services to assist with the technical aspects of running the club e.g. Social Media, Website and communications and still do so now.

In the past 2 years times have been challenging (as they have for everyone), my running frequency and ability has dipped somewhat, but I get out where and when possible. During COVID, our little family of 3 became a family of 5 with the addition of our twins, so as you can imagine, free time is hard to come by!

I am on the road to getting back to where I once was. Although not as frequent, I am still active within the club and lead sessions where possible.

Bob Block

Run Sandymoor Run Leader

Hi everyone. My name is Bob Block. Born in Liverpool and have lived in Sandymoor for the last 22 years. I joined RS in 2017 and became a Run Leader in 2021. I got into running at the age of 64, when I decided to try C25K and haven’t looked back since.

I have completed 5k, 10k, half marathons and other events, such as Tour of Merseyside and Warrington Way 40 miles. I have completed over 100 parkruns.

My hobbies include Coarse fishing, playing guitar ( or trying to) and of course running. I have made many friends in this great club of ours. I love the ethos of RS where everyone is encouraged to reach their best potential for them. I was made very welcome when I joined and this is why I became a Run Leader, so I could help others.

If Onyia

Run Sandymoor Run Leader

I’m If. And I quite like running, I tend to appear on the slower end of the spectrum, and you know what? That’s okay

I enjoy the conversations when I can run, the camaraderie from being part of a group. I’d done couch to 5k by myself as I’d wanted to return to running but without the structure of routine runs that had been a feature of my more competitive youth I found it easier to go 5k back to couch.

So I run for fun, because it gives me an amazing buzz and I’ve made some unshakeable friends here in the group. You probably won’t hear me talking about progression or pace that much because I find running at my pace keeps me fulfilled.

Run Sandymoor is very inclusive so it caters for all different abilities and will support you in your running journey. Come run with us.

Tom Hampton

Run Sandymoor Run Leader and Comittee Member

In my early Forties, I decided I needed to improve my fitness. At the time I didn’t own a bike, hadn’t swum for years and could not run for toffee and so triathlon was the obvious choice.

I progressed from sprint races to Half-Ironman events, before deciding to concentrate on running. Two ultra-marathons, four marathons, countless half-marathons and 10Ks, together with 150 parkruns later, I am still pounding the streets.