Run Sandymoor AGM

In accordance with our constitution, the club will hold its Annual General Meeting on (TBA 2022)

• Approval of the minutes of the previous year’s AGM

• Reports from the Chairman and Secretary

• Report from the Treasurer and approval of the annual accounts

• Certification of the annual accounts

• Election of officers to the Committee*

• Agreement of membership fees for the following year

• Any changes to the constitution

• Any Other Business*

If you wish to stand for election to the Committee please email us at info[at] with your name and the position you’d like to stand for. Please note that all current Committee members wish to continue in their current roles which are:

• Chairperson: Carl Stewart

• Secretary and Welfare Officer: Tom Hampton

• Treasurer: Les McAdam

• IT and Technical Coordinator: Chris Jones

• Memberhip Secretary and Welfare Officer: Louise McAdam

As a committee we meet once a month, frequently discuss issues in between times, organise runs, post on the website and Facebook page, organise events (less so this year sadly), attend training sessions for run leadership and race events, liaise with England and UK Athletics and co-ordinate our fantastic team of Run Leaders. Occasionally, when work and life allow, we like to run too ?